PharmacoGenomics llc Presents
Genetic Medication COUNSELING & Health Services

Your genetics are the building blocks of who you are. But did you know that your DNA may determine what medication is best fit for you? Book a session with DrPGx™ to learn about your health and medication therapy through your DNA. An experienced Doctor of Pharmacy will personally work with you to build a pathway to a healthier life.

Are your medications not giving you desired outcomes?
Do you suffer from unwanted side effects?
Do you want to know more about your genetic risks and what health strategies work best to potentially mitigate these risks?
Do you feel like you are on too many medications?
Do you want a health care professional to listen to your concerns?
Then book a session with DrPGx, the answer may be in your DNA.
We are a professional service designed to use the best scientific advancements and evidenced based information to tailor a unique and redefining health experience for you. Our standards are to never put business before your health like some up-sale supplement or product middlemen you might have come across before. A truly valuable and life changing experience is our goal. With our services we will educate you on what options are best for you based off many factors, including past therapies, physical health and nutrition, therapy goals, relative risks, and your genetics. Don’t put off your health or settle for feeling anything but your very best.
Over 350 drugs are labeled as genetically impacted by specific genetic marker(s).
A study found a 70% improvement in depression symptoms when using a pharmacogenomic report to guide treatment when compared to treatment as usual
A peer reviewed study estimated an average savings of $3,962 per patient a year with pharmacogenetic-guided medication management.
DrPGx™ is short for Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr) and a scientific field called Pharmacogenomics (PGx). With a simple swab of the cheek we can see little parts of your DNA that are responsible for determining how you metabolize (or process) medications. Everyone processes medications differently; some slower, some faster. Sometimes people barely metabolize certain medications at all.
Based on your genetics we can educate you on how your body handles the medications you are on, alternative medications that are a good fit, and medications that could cause a severe reaction.
In combination with your genetic results, your Pharmacist will also look at many other factors that can contribute to how your body processes medications including:
- Drug Interactions
- Medication Timing and Spacing
- Diet and Supplements
- Age, Kidney, and Liver Function
- Laboratory Levels
- And More
The best part is you can use your results for life. We can see the results for medications that you could potentially need to take in the future and know if they are the right fit for you. Wouldn’t you want to take a proactive or active approach to your health with just a simple swab?
See our FAQs about Pharmacogenomics below and visit our services page to get started.

Find The Right Medication

Know Your Genetic Risks & Find Solutions

Better Manage Your Disease States

Face to Face Personalized Care

Many More Services Available
Services provided by your experienced Doctor of Pharmacy, not just a paper report.
Complex regimens and lifestyle changes will be easy to understand.
Receive a comprehensive report designed with your health and goals in mind.
Whether a single meeting or multiple sessions, we always deliver the highest quality.
We work alongside your other healthcare professionals for the best care possible.
No traveling needed, we come to you, unless requested otherwise.
Pharmacogenetics FAQs
What is pharmacogenomic testing?
In short, pharmacogenomic testing looks for differences in your genes to understand how you respond to medication. Most drugs available are prescribed as a “one size fits all,” but, they won’t have the same results for everyone. It can be difficult to predict who will benefit from a medication, who will not respond at all, and who will experience negative side effects. Now we have learned how inherited differences in genes affect the body’s response to medications. These genetic differences are used to predict whether a medication will be effective for you or may pose a potential risk. Your genetics and medical history will be used to determine the best medications for you by a clinical pharmacist.
What does DrPGx stand for?
DrPGx is short for Doctor Pharmacogenomics!
When should pharmacogenomic testing be done?
Anytime, your results are for a lifetime. It is always best to have the latest information on hand for your healthcare team to utilize before starting a new medication, changing medications, or discontinuing medications. For example, it would be best to know which antidepressant your body is most likely to respond to before starting a medication trial when every moment matters.
Who should get pharmacogenomic testing?
Everyone. Just like age, weight, kidney & liver function based dosing, and therapy class selection, pharmacogenomics plays a role in understanding how your body responds to medications. You want the best dose and medication the first time. Take Plavix for an example, for some people they may not properly convert it and in turn maybe at an extremely elevated risk of having clot due to a lack of effectiveness. Knowing who you are inside lets clinical staff decide the best method of treatment.
What are the benefits of pharmacogenomic testing?
Pharmacogenomic testing will help you understand what medication is personally best for you, improve your quality of life by avoiding side effects & adverse drug reactions, and decrease your risk of the #3 leading cause of death in the US.
Genetic Testing faqs
What does a predictive health genetic test reveal?
Predictive health genetic tests reveal beneficial reductions in risk, neutral characteristics, and important risks to be aware of. Some want to know more information about how their genes affect aging, diet, fitness, intelligence, and other characteristics to better tailor their pathway to a healthier and happier life. Other individuals wish to know more information when they have an increased risk of clotting, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and or cancer, when compared to populations of people.
Will the genetic test reveal any serious conditions?
This is your personal health information. You choose what you want us to educate you on and to whatever extent makes you comfortable. Yes, the tests can show serious conditions depending on what initially ordered, but we will let you know ahead of time what information can be revealed, and what you want to be discussed. Our goal is for you to be satisfied and informed with the best information available. We tailor to those who value privacy or those who wish to use their information to let others know in their family what they have learned.
How do you collect my DNA? Is it a blood test or saliva?
Your DNA collection will be painlessly and a simple swab of the cheek or saliva sample. Rarely are blood samples used for these tests.
Are the Pharmacogenomic test and predictive health test different?
Yes, pharmacogenomic tests look at specific genes that relate to how your body handles medication, and predictive health tests look at specific genes that measure beneficial or important risks related to health conditions. Here is where it gets interesting. Most pharmacogenomic tests will have some predictive information within their results. Most predictive tests will have some pharmacogenomic information within their results too! A pharmacogenomic test result may explain when a specific antidepressant is initiated you should reduce the dosing or try an alternative agent. A predictive health test can let you know of a trait you possess that may result in a better overall response to chemotherapeutic agents. With your health goals, we will inform you of what tests match your criteria, and the importance of knowing the what they reveal. In most cases only one genetic sample will need to be collected.
How long do pharmacogenomic or predictive genetic tests take to get results back?
Strictly pharmacogenomic tests take anywhere ~ 10 – 21 days from ordering for results to be sent back. Predictive genetic tests (Some include pharmacogenomic information) take anywhere from ~10 – 42 days. Turn around times are lab dependent. We will always help you choose the best lab for your needs.
How accurate are genetic tests?
Each and every lab has differences in the way they report their information and the technology used to get results. That is why it is key to work with a Clinical Pharmacist who understands the labs on the market and what is offered. Almost all labs offered will be CLIA and CAP certified (Gold Standard here in the USA), unless you wish to use another service which will be evaluated on a per person case basis. The accuracy mostly reported with these tests is a reproducibility level of 99.99%.
What genetic company do you use?
We use multiple lab companies to deliver the best tailored experience possible. Certain individuals want to have a more in depth test, some wish to know only specific parts of their genetics, some are willing to share their information to help with research for a specific cause or disease, want others want an anonymous experience. We are here to tailor to you!
Is you genetic information kept safe?
When it comes to your genetic information it is important to work with a Clinical Pharmacist who understands what goals you have in mind. DrPGx will review the lab results, test assay, marketing, research, and processes specific to the lab your sample has been sent to. We are able to accommodate to our clients who have specific concerns and needs relating to genetic testing. We pride ourselves on showing you in detail how to remain safe, anonymous, and informed. We have no issues with working with clients that wish for their information to be securely deleted and shredded from our secure records and to use a lab that has the same practices. We are HIPAA compliant and may use any of the combination of the following at all times for an advance level of security: encryption, complex passwords, two factor authorization, firewalls, virtual private networks, security suites, and password protected blinding. For example, if you wish to email us your DNA results or raw data we would ask you to de-identify your file name and send you an encrypted email that will function as a secure method to transport the information to our encrypted email.
On a positive note, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), in the US protects you from discrimination from employers and health insurances. In general, most genetic laboratories take your sample, de-identify the sample, assign a number, clean the sample cells, multiply the information, and finally use a test assay that looks for specific differences. The test simply checks which differences you have when compared to the general population. Some tests do reveal information related to Alzheimer’s and thrombotic (clotting/heart attack) risk and others will show how you metabolize Plavix. Please do not hesitate to call and ask any questions you have either about genetic testing or pharmacogenomics.